Aylwards Fencing
Quality Fencing - Trellis - Decking - Sheds - Planters
OSB 3 Boards

11mm Oriented Strand Board 8x4 (2.4m x 1.2m)
11mm OSB3 It is versatile, strong and cost-effective. Manufactured with exterior resins, OSB3 is suitable for both interior and exterior structural applications such as roofing, flooring, wall sheathing and hoarding.
exe vat £14.58 £17.49 Each
OSB3 Offcuts available please call 0208 3672794

15mm Oriented Strand Board 8x4 (2.4m x 1.2m)
15mm OSB3 It is versatile, strong and cost-effective. Manufactured with exterior resins, OSB3 is suitable for both interior and exterior structural applications such as roofing, flooring, wall sheathing and hoarding.
exe vat £31.25 £37.50 Each
OSB3 Offcuts available please call 0208 3672794 (Example 15mm 1.2m x 1m £6.00 inc VAT)

18mm Oriented Strand Board 8x4 (2.4m x 1.2m)
18mm OSB3 It is versatile, strong and cost-effective. Manufactured with exterior resins, OSB3 is suitable for both interior and exterior structural applications such as roofing, flooring, wall sheathing and hoarding.
exe vat £33.33 £39.99 Each
OSB3 Offcuts available please call 0208 3672794